Got lost? Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Here's a handy guide to all the pages you'll find in this site.
Please note that not all pages are complete yet, particularly in the FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns sections. These are currently under construction.
This section is broken down into three sub-sections, one for each game. This section of the site is under construction.
- Glossary - catchall glossary for the series
Final Fantasy XIII
- Introduction - spoiler-free introduction to FFXIII
- Story - the datalog entires from the game
- Characters - character profiles & stats
- Setting - the worlds of Cocoon and Pulse
- Gameplay - notes on the paradigm system, cie'th stone sidequests, and tips
- Achievements/Trophies - achievement/trophy list
- Novellas - information about Episode Zero, Episode i, and the audio dramas
- Music - about the OST and OST PLUS
Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Introduction - (mostly) spoiler-free introduction to FFXIII-2 (includes spoilers for FFXIII)
- Achievements/Trophies - achievement/trophy list (includes guides)
- Novellas - information about Fragments Before and Fragments After
- Music - about the OST and OST PLUS
- DLC - what's available and my thoughts
- Developer Q & A - transcript of a question-and-answer session with the developers of the game (spoiler-heavy)
This section features essays on the FFXIII series as a whole and its characters. This section is incomplete.
Art and FMV screencaps from the games.
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
The TFL-approved fanlisting for FFXIII.
Information about the site.